A Resource for the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US)


PAD-US Overview Webinar 9/27 1pm ET

Please join us September 27, 2016 for a PAD-US Overview Webinar, from 1-2pm Eastern Time.

PAD-US is America’s official inventory of public open space and other protected areas and is available to help meet many common agency needs. We look forward to sharing info about the recent PAD-US 1.4 update, applications, a new viewer, WMS, inventory completeness estimates and your thoughts for next steps!

Webex link: https://usgs.webex.com/usgs/j.php?MTID=m9919d7c7e9c94a1526d2dce4fe368862
Phone access: 703-648-4848 or 855-547-8255 Code: 45405#